OK, I'll Give You My Opinion!

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Yes, I discriminate against racists.

Yes, I discriminate against racists.

Passive racists.

Willfully-blind racists.

Proud racists!

Racists who are in denial that they’re racist even after I politely informed them that they are in fact displaying racist behavior or pushing a racist agenda.

The racist enablers. I don’t care if your old Aunt Barb is the sweetest woman you’ve ever met, and prepares lunch for her even more elderly neighbor every week because no one comes to visit them, and has a fresh homemade warm apple pie waiting every time YOU come to visit her, but continues to post blatantly racist and prejudice memes on Facebook, and you don’t have the heart to call her out because she wouldn’t hurt a fly, but at the same time doesn’t see a problem with an unarmed black man getting shot it the back 7 times because he "didn’t follow an order”.

If you’re confused about what’s going in our country with all the social unrest, you might be racist...

If you think racism doesn’t exist...you might be racist.

My Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Pacific Islander, all my POC brothers and sisters, I am so disappointed, I AM SO DISAPPOINTED. When you shout, "What about Latino and Asian lives and businesses?!”, you are part of the problem. I’m going to tell you why! Once we can establish that BLACK LIVES MATTER, ALL LIVES WILL MATTER. We’re all on the same team in the fight against WHITE SUPREMACY < and for EQUALITY. Even if you don’t believe it directly affects you, it does and you should care about other people.

This week has been rough. I hope everyone is taking care while still staying informed.

My takeaways from this week include:

Y’ALL still don’t get.

And "y’all" know who you are.

The president is not here to unite our country. The President of the United States has politicized racism!

Our country values property and sports more than human lives.

The presumption of Black people having a weapon is more threatening than a White person with an actual weapon.

White vigilantes (domestic terrorists) have always had a friend in police.

The irony of this all happening the week of the RNC, and it’s representatives choosing not to address the current social climate directly, and instead, they’re enticing fear and hyping up the far-right militia (domestic terrorist groups) to grab their AR-15s to go fight a battle against PEACE of all things. WITAF is going on right now?! The worst part of all is, whether trump is re-elected or not, the damage has already been done. If he wins, the shit is going to get worse because the far-right is going to believe this was God’s will and Trump has been brought here to save humanity, starting with the United States, because we’re "THE BEST" of course, and the rest of us who don’t follow him are just whiny victim playing cry babies who need to buck up and FOLLOW ORDERS. But If he loses....the shit is going to get worse!!! White supremacy isn’t going down without a fight, as we were previewed to this week...and literally since the beginning of fucking time.

So what’s the plan of action? How do we proceed when both sides believe they’re fighting for what’s "right"? Where do we meet in the middle on this? How do we get other people to be empathetic and care about other people?! How do the United States actually “Unite”?? Because right now we’re living in a Divided State of America split right down the middle. And the fissure is getting deeper by the day.


